A series of Kontakt libraries dedicated to the fascinating sonic universe of LoFi




  • add authenticity and realism to any virtual instrument

  • create perfect background noise layers and add texture and vibe to your tracks

  • add clarity and bite to drum sounds with short bursts of noise

  • perform noise-based SFX (filtered noise hits, risers...)

Noisy and beautiful! Add the warm intimacy of tape hiss, vinyl cracks and room ambient noise to your tracks :)

LOFI Substance_Mini Noiser.png
  • Intuitive mixer with 9 noise sources

  • 2 main patches ('automatic' and 'key trigger') and 7 presets

  • 21 samples (mono and stereo WAV, 24bit, 48kHz)

  • Bonus: 18 long noise loops (WAV)

  • Total size uncompressed: 188MB

  • full Kontakt 5.3+ required!!!

  • list price: €16,- (+VAT for EU customers)

The library features two kinds of instruments: the 'automatic' patches are perfect for designing background noise layers. The 'key trigger' patches let you add short noises to drums, synths and bass lines, or perform noise effects. 18 long noise loops are also included (WAV).

Download the USER MANUAL

Download a free 'mixed noise' loop here: Noise Loop_Mix1_breaks_ST.wav


A collection of unique drum samples with various amounts and flavours of lo-fi character: featuring acoustic and electronic lo-fi drums, raw and processed samples, retro sounds and original effects. A huge, versatile, and inspiring collection of drums for your tracks!

Includes: 129 kicks, 124 snares, 54 claps and snaps, 70 hi-hats, 28 cross-sticks, 46 SFX, 112 percussions, 64 found sounds, 29 cymbals, 64 toms, 22 noise loops, 29 vinyl hits and dirt.

All sounds were created using a wide range of drums and percussions, over 50 microphones, various outboard gear, retro samplers, vintage drum machines, tape and cassette recorders.

Organised in 26 folders, the samples will be perfect for creating your own lo-fi beats, importing in hardware and software samplers, or processing and layering to create your own drum sounds.
The included Kontakt instruments let you easily access and customize 13 drum kits.


LoFi Drum Kits_demo1
LoFi Drum Kits_demo with MINI NOISER
  • 771 samples (mono and stereo WAV, 48kHz, 24bit)

  • 13 drum kits with 16 sounds each

  • one Kontakt instrument + 10 presets for Kontakt 5.3+

  • Total size uncompressed: 302MB

  • list price: €29,- (+VAT for EU customers)

LoFi Drum Kits - main Kontakt GUI


A selection of samples taken from the library LOFI DRUM KITS: one drum kit ‘LoFi Cassette Kit’ (16 samples) and 10 extra samples (acoustic and electronic drums, extra found sounds, effects, noise loop...)

DEMO_Free LoFi DrumKit
  • 26 samples (mono and stereo WAV, 24bit, 48kHz)

  • total size uncompressed: 16.5MB

  • Free download :)



Unique and highly inspiring! LOFI PIANO COLLECTION features many lo-fi, hi-fi, and sound design pianos, along with some complimentary electric pianos and acoustic mallet instruments. Unique sampling techniques were used on a wide range of instruments to offer you an ensemble of rare organic sounds: expect a big boost of creativity and inspiration!!

  • Intuitive Rompler with 48 instruments

  • 28 acoustic pianos (LoFi, HiFi, Retro, sound design...)

  • 11 electric pianos (Rhodes, FM, granular..)

  • 9 bonus acoustic instruments (Toy Piano, Celeste, Marimba, Glockenspiel, Steel Tongue...)

  • 1 main patch, 8 single presets, 29 multis (nkm)

  • 4 tempo-synced arpeggio instruments

  • 1624 samples (various rate and bit depth)

  • 23 custom IRs (reverbs) from small natural rooms to epic ambient washes

  • Up to 6 velocity layers, up to 168 samples per piano

  • Total size uncompressed: 5.35GB

  • full Kontakt 5.3+ required!!!

  • List price: €89,- (+VAT for EU customers)

Download the user manual, with extra photos, details and stories about each of the 48 sounds, and lots of tips on how to get the best results with the library: USER MANUAL

Free update: 12 new presets (kontakt nkm)

This little update brings 4 new multi instruments and 8 new tempo-synced sequences. A Read Me file is included for easy installation. 

New Presets Demo_Update_LoFi Piano Collection
LoFi Substance_demo by Julien Tauban

The audio demo lets you hear 7 of the new presets:

49_Ghost Toy Piano_cinematic, 85_ARP_Run and Hide_MW, 83_ARP_Little Delicate Poem.km, 86_ARP_Le Trio Acoustique, 47_Between a Piano and an EP, 79_ARP_Instant Piano Concerto, 46_LoFi Texture Pad_MW


Our second instrument in the LoFi Substance serie is a huge collection of LoFi Pianos and complementary sounds. Here are a few demos featuring single and multi presets, arpeggios, and demos combining LoFi pianos and the Mini Noiser. Many thanks to Craig Gerard Richards for producing four lovely demos as well as giving great ideas and feedback during beta testing. Find more about Craig here: http://www.pianoproducer.com/

LOFI Pianos and Mini Noiser demo1
LoFi Substance
LO-FI_21-AP-DIZZY_Scarborough Fair
Demo by Craig Gerard Richards, www.pianoproducer.com
Multi-preset #69_Dulcimer Glitch Stars
Julien Tauban
LOFI Pianos and Mini Noiser demo2
LoFi Substance
LO-FI_02-AP-TAPE_Some Day Soon
Demo by Craig Gerard Richards, www.pianoproducer.com
Arpeggio_Multi-preset #77_Dans le Noir
Julien Tauban
LO-FI_06-AP-VINYL_When it's Over
Demo by Craig Gerard Richards, www.pianoproducer.com
Multi-preset #67_Key Waves
Julien Tauban
Preset 11-AP Schoeps XY demo
Julien Tauban
LO-FI-Pianos_02-TAPE_Waltz in the Woods
Demo by Craig Gerard Richards, www.pianoproducer.com
LOFI Pianos and Mini Noiser demo3
LoFi Substance
Arpeggio_Multi-preset #76_Arabesques
Julien Tauban

Here a few pictures from the piano sampling sessions - lots of cool and unique microphones, lofi samplers and tape/cassette recorders were used:

LOFI PIANO COLLECTION is a ROMpler / sound bank, with 48 different piano instruments (acoustic pianos, sound design pianos, electric pianos, extra mallet instruments...)

Lots of unique gear was used for the recordings and sampling: old-school samplers, tape machines, cassette recorders, lofi microphones, analog gear...